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When exporting a composite. interval, or system partitioned table using conventional export utility, it fails with EXP-6 and EXP-0 errors:
EXP-00006: internal inconsistency errorEXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully
Use**Data Pump**
to perform exports of composite and interval partitioning and system partitioned tables as this is the recommended method. 四、建议
1、11g 尽量不要用exp对数据库进行备份,使用数据泵2、慎重使用数据库新特性,熟悉新特性3、开发部门和要大数据部门测试完整,防止测试不到位,引起生产问题五、官方文档
Exporting System or Composite Partitioned Table Using Classic Export Gives EXP-6 AND EXP-0 (文档 ID 762774.1)转载于:https://blog.51cto.com/roidba/2407453